Thursday, August 5, 2010

Conquering Goals

Captainsblog: Stardate: 64060.7

I kicked another one of those second year goals this week.  I went to Warren Dunes (my favorite summer place) on Monday.  The first thing I did was to climb Tower Hill, I tackled it first because the sand was not 8 million degrees as it was still early.  I made it to the top! I didn't feel like I was going to die or puke or anything (always a bonus).  Okay so if you are not familiar, this is Tower Hill - which rises 263 feet above Lake Michigan.  It may not LOOK like a serious challenge, but believe me, it's not exactly a walk in the park either!  The last time I climbed Tower Hill was in 2002, I made it by sheer willpower and stubbornness, but I felt like my heart was going to explode and I had to rest MANY times going up, each time I almost went back down.  My Son was in Marine Corps boot camp at the time and I missed him greatly.  I took the kids to the dunes a lot as they were growing up.  So I made myself make it to the top and rested a long time before going back down. This time, it was so much easier and I actually enjoyed it!  It was such a hoot I actually PASSED teenagers, who were whining that they couldn't make it.  I told them "if this old lady can make it... so can you! The second image is from the TOP of tower Hill.  About a half an hour after this was taken, I was in the lake (heaven)!

I'm still cycling, still loving it!  Today we rode the Nickel Plate Trail, 20 miles round trip... it was a sweet ride!  Tomorrow I'm hitting the Pumpkinvine Trail.  I love riding the rail trails, the only time you have deal with cars is when the trail crosses a road.  So MUCH better than road riding!

Well I guess that's it for now... Peace out my peeps!

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