Thursday, September 16, 2010

Now THAT's a Switch

Captainsblog, Stardate: 64174.9

As most of you know, I spend a LOT of time with a camera in my hand.  It is a form of creative expression for me, and a form of solace. The fact that I also supplement my income as a portrait photographer does not take away from the joy that I experience with my camera. People ask me when looking at images I have created from trips etc, why I am not in them. I always say that I am MUCH more comfortable on the other side of the camera.  That is still true.  However, I have had some recent opportunities to be the subject as opposed to the photographer and it has helped me to see myself a little differently.  I still see myself as a larger type person... like when I shop for clothes, I gravitate to the "big girl" section first, and to blousier styles first.  It takes a bit of courage to try stuff on that is more fitted. I tried on a petite the other day and although it didnt really "work" for me... I had it ON... who knew?!  I'm taking part in a marketing campaign for my bariatric provider as one of their success stories.  There's a photo shoot tomorrow... I am a bit enrvous about the whole "in front of the camera" thing... so I'll let y'all know how that goes.

I am still 15 pounds shy of "goal" but am okay with where I am.  If I make that goal... that'd be GGGRRREEEAAATTT  but if not, it's all good.  Manu Ganuh!


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