Saturday, December 26, 2009

Who... me?

Captainsblog, Stardate: 63451.5
Today I hit the 80 pounds lost mark... which is really pretty hard to comprehend. Another hard thing to make fit in my head is that I am within 15 pounds of two people that I consider thin - what the hell is THAT? I still don't apply that term to myself. People will see me and say something like "hey, skinny" and I tell them I am thinnER, but not skinny. I have this concept in my mind of what skinny is (think Kate Moss or Calista Flockhart) and I'm certainly not that... nor do I aspire to be. So this is an interesting place to be... and interesting time of adjustment and discovery. We bought ourselves a Wii for Christmas, my daughter Erica bought us the Wii Fit Plus to go with it, and we've been having BIG fun with the exercises, and anyone who scoffs and muses "how strenuous could THAT be?" Don't you doubt it until you've tried it! It's fun, but can really kick your ass too! So here's to losing 80 pounds, and to getting more active :-)

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