Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Protein Wars

Captainsblog, Stardate: 63709.5
Note: I thought of the "Captainsblog, Stardate" thing long before Sheldon Cooper did!

Protein, protein, protein.  It is SOOO important! I've known this from way before the surgery, it was imbedded in all of the pre-op education, and I have focused on it from the get-go.  However, it has gradually become less of a focus.  As I get further and further post-op... different foods have wandered back into my diet, such as more carbs.  Not necessarily BAD carbs, I'm not snarfing down sweets... not to worry my faithful friends... the consequences of THAT behavior would be dire indeed, and I know it!  But with restricted portions, any non-protein you consume kind of kicks a certain amount of protein out.  You can only put so much into the pouch after all!  So along with the traumatic effects of the surgery on my hair (didn't think I could NOT mention it, didja?)... my nails are showing signs as well, more brittleness and some ridges and peeling that I know to be signs of not enough protein. So, I have renewed my efforts to up the amount of protein, and I am keeping a food log, and keeping track of my protein grams on that as well.  Its an "in your face" way to see how I'm doing with protein day by day.  We have chickens so we have a bountiful supply of fresh, chem-free eggs.  I have gone back to the big 3, meat, cheese & eggs to give my protein levels a kick in the butt. I still supplement with protein bars (Pure Protein brand rocks at 20 G/bar and low levels of sugar)... but I'm being very deliberate about adding in protein foods as well.  I need to get the levels up to be healthy... but also so that my hair will GROW again!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Tale of 2 Sweaters

I got the sweater on the right from my friend Chris, it was her fav, and quickly became mine. I got the one on the left a few weeks ago at Goodwill.  It is amazing to me that the same person wore both... or did she?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Upsides and Misc Ramblings...

Captainsblog, Stardate: 63662.3
 Some up sides in general:
  • I can actually FIND nice clothes in my size at Goodwill (now my 1st stop when shopping). I got two VERY nice shirts for work for $5.00 (for both) this week *score*
  • I can hike a 2.5 mile trail at the local state park in about 50 minutes, and not feel like I am going to collapse - I can actually ENJOY the walk.  That time included 2 short rest stops and several pauses for photo ops
  • And you thought you had heard the last of the great hair loss saga from me... when I whacked off my hair... huh?  Everyone loves the new do... and it does make it look like I have more hair (how does that work, whack off like 18 inches and looks like MORE hair... what?)  Well I discovered there IS an upside to hair loss... the hair on my legs is like WAY sparse now... so less to shave (when I'm of a mind to do that).
I find myself not getting too creative on my food intake at times... there are things that I know work well... so I stick with them.  For example every morning my breakfast consists of a protein bar (Pure Protein Chocolate Deluxe) and a cup of herbal tea.  You might think OMG isn't that boring?  I prefer to frame it this way... in the morning when I'm just trying to get ready and get out of here, I don't have to think about it... I can autopilot through breakfast. I do need to get out there and explore some more recipes though for other meals.  Participating in the 60 day wellness challenge at Team Bariatrics will help me to do that (I'll be getting points for finding healthy recipes).

I have now lost about 88 pounds, people are asking me "do you plan on losing MORE... you look great right where you are?"  I'm still in the 170's so I'm not quite content with that. I'd be content about 13 pounds form now... anything beyond that... puts me in the bonus round - LOL!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Pattern

Captainsblog, Stardate: 63644.3

My pattern has been:
     Then lose some
     Then lose some more
     Then lose again...

While I am frustrated by each plateau... when I look at the overall pattern...
It's all good.

About 25 lbs to goal... but when I set that goal.. I didn't know I'd have at least 10 lbs of skin that would just be there, unless I have it removed, which isn't likely.  So I've got 2 goals... the pie in the sky goal (-25 from where I am) and the reality goal (-15 from where I am now).  I WILL reach the reality goal!  If I make the pie in the sky goal that's great, but I will NOT consider myself to be settling, or stopping short, or a failure if I don't make that one.

Keepin' it real my peeps!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Captainsblog, Stardate: 63636.3

Well I did it... ten years worth of hair growth... gone in a few snips.

And yes, they DID tell me I might experience "some thinning" but this was WAY beyond anything I had seen on anyone I knew who had the surgery.
If before surgery they had told me, that I'd end up sacrificing my hair... I'd probably still have done it, but it sure would have given me pause.

Whoever said that it doesn't hurt to have your hair cut... never went through this....
There's a short haired woman lookin' back at me from the mirror!

85 lbs gone... just realized this minute that today is 9 months post-op.

Here's to regrowth and renewal...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Again... with the Hair

Captainsblog, Stardate:63630.8

Hello faithful readers... you're probably getting tired of my recurring lament on the state of my hair... but ya know this blog is all about processing what's on my mind... and my hair certainly is. If you're not up to speed on it... refer to posts from September and October 2009. Some thinning... okay fine, but holy crap this is ridiculous! I've got about 1/3 of the hair that I had before the great shed-a-thon.
The first picture is of half of my remaining hair... that is to say I parted it behind my head, and pulled half to the front. The next one is of my hairline... or what is left of it (for comparison, look at the "titanium floor" post, the shedding had just begun). I have come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to DO something about this. It does not look like my hair anymore. So I am going to go see my niece the hair stylist on Wednesday and we'll see what happens. I am VERY picky about who I'll trust with my hair. This is not just a vanity piece for me (again... see September 09 post)... there are real reasons, valid reasons, significant reasons why I am loath to cut off my hair. If I do cut it... it won't be super short, but a huge change for me.

I have respected the spiritual significance of my hair, much as my ancestors... who only cut their hair in times of mourning. I am in a time of great introspection. Cutting back my outward extension... could contribute to that introspection. I'm praying hard on this (stop rolling your eyes, I pray about everything!) I am in mourning so it would be appropriate (and no, not just mourning for my hair) so if I do this thing, I'll do it in an honorable way...
