Hello faithful readers... you're probably getting tired of my recurring lament on the state of my hair... but ya know this blog is all about processing what's on my mind... and my hair certainly is. If you're not up to speed on it... refer to posts from September and October 2009. Some thinning... okay fine, but holy crap this is ridiculous! I've got about 1/3 of the hair that I had before the great shed-a-thon. The first picture is of half of my remaining hair... that is to say I parted it behind my head, and pulled half to the front. The next one is of my hairline... or what is left of it (for comparison, look at the "titanium floor" post, the shedding had just begun). I have come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to DO something about this. It does not look like my hair anymore. So I am going to go see my niece the hair stylist on Wednesday and we'll see what happens. I am VERY picky about who I'll trust with my hair. This is not just a vanity piece for me (again... see September 09 post)
I have respected the spiritual significance of my hair, much as my ancestors... who only cut their hair in times of mourning. I am in a time of great introspection. Cutting back my outward extension... could contribute to that introspection. I'm praying hard on this (stop rolling your eyes, I pray about everything!) I am in mourning so it would be appropriate (and no, not just mourning for my hair) so if I do this thing, I'll do it in an honorable way...
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